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BecsScans strip


As an artist I create from my heart, from within; as a Creative Arts Therapist I am able to share ways to find a sense of self, to grow love and compassion for self and others and to heal.

As a human I have, as we all have, been on journeys that have lead me to different ways of being. Growth is so beautiful in nature, we all watch it and admire it but so often don’t notice it within ourselves.

I hope that my art supports others to notice and grow within themselves; to begin to find ways of being that create happiness within, to support each person’s wellbeing and their connection with themselves and others.

The work I make is emergent, it could be a response to the weather - a glimpse of the sun or the sound of the rain, an emotion - sadness, relief, joy. I use many different materials, fabric and thread, pen and ink, clay and wire. The work I do comes from within and I hope that by sharing it it stirs something within the viewer, an emotion that supports their own growth and life. 

Bec is an artist and Creative Art Therapist living in the Bendigo Region. 



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